Donnerstag, 24. September 2009

Ha-ha ! Aha !

Do you nothing about
"Ha-ha" or "Aha" ?

It´s similar to nothing ...

And it exists at the Eremitage, too.

Coming soon.


Dienstag, 22. September 2009

Nebel ist nichts

ist man ihm nah, so ist er nicht.


Montag, 21. September 2009

Is black the color of nothing ?

One of my favorite places for a romantic walk.

If black is the color of nothing,
nothing touches me in an unexpected way ...


Donnerstag, 17. September 2009

"Ich bin allein, wenn ich vergnügt sein will"

{ Markgraf Wilhelm von Bayreuth, *16.11.1678 †18.12.1726 }


Donnerstag, 10. September 2009

No Time


If you´re visiting the
Therme Vals
you will get this bracelet as a ticket.

It´s like a watch without showing time.

random or intentional ?

However, for me it is:


For staying here and now.

Nothing will hapen and nothing ever happend.


Mittwoch, 9. September 2009

Gate to nothing else


Isn´t a japanese tori the symbol for this ?
As I know, the traditional tori,
symbolizes the step from a profan world to a sacrificed area.
- but: is there really a difference ?
what is holy, what is profan ?
and who want´s to decide it.

For the open tori´s in our hearts.

Schloss Dennenlohe, Bavaria, 2009, September, 8th


Mittwoch, 2. September 2009

Loving the author of a good-for-nothing


one my favorite writers.
The collected works of Freiherr Joseph von Eichendorff.

Currently just for decoration in my office

Dienstag, 1. September 2009

Wiesen sprechen

sie sprechen über das nichts.
- unhörbar, unbekannt, unerkannt,
Sie sind für niemanden da und doch unaufhörlich im ... da-sein.
